Really interesting!

At its core, this text seems to suggest that some people are too evil to let live. Yes, a dangerous thought, and for sure a slippery slope, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.

Thanks for weighing in.

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Good point. However, death is a very personal matter. Those who have seen the horror of evil may understand. The need to live and prevail over evil should override any danger of a slippery slope. What is considered evil? Like with death, my opinion is biased - will he/she/it cause me and my loved ones harm? Simple answer - if YES, then it is evil in my eyes. That is all that matters - life and death. When you are dead, evil no longer matters, you are dead.

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I believe that no, they should not have operated on Sinwar. They were kind to the cruel, which culminated in him being extremely cruel to the kind. What a terrible mistake.

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So interesting, and so very relevant. Just to add to the mix, there's a Buddhist tale of the Buddha- in one of his previous lives- who found himself on a ship that was hijacked by a pirate who intended to murder all the passengers. The (pre)Buddha killed him. "He what?!!" So, the explanation I heard was that he killed the pirate to save the passengers but also to save the pirate from the bad karma of murdering. Slippery slope, I know...but I do see some clarity here. Curious to hear what others think. Thanks for starting this important conversation!

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Now there is food for thought. Thank you

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Maybe it's a sign of national dysfunction when soldiers and doctors are working at cross purposes

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Hmm. That sounds like a reasonable position. But maybe doctors aren't instruments of the state.

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Dr Hoffman - an outstanding piece. I am with Confucius on this. My gentle soul & heart lies with all the other "lovers of humanity at all costs." BUT, having completed military service and seen first-hand the horror that man-"kind" is capable of inflicting, my logic and powerful survival instinct dictates that when someone comes to kill you, kill him AND his followers first. You owe it to yourself, your loved ones and to your creator, whoever that may be. Life is sacred and divine - NO-ONE has the right to take your life. Kill or be killed - that is the law of survival.

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