What Is This?
Ancient Wisdom Modern Lives brings you the benefits of ancient wisdom in a way that enhances your modern life.
Ancient wisdom has an undeserved bad rap: It’s widely considered hokey, or silly, or bizarre, or just irrelevant and outdated. And that’s too bad, because it means people in modernity miss out on valuable advice that they need.
In reality ancient wisdom is a collection of timeless, time-tested insights and conclusions about the human condition. It comes from an era when people regularly devoted dozens of generations to a research project, and it reflects humanity's most enduring truths.
We have never been more in need of guidance about our lives. But modernity is marred by charlatans and peddlers of snake oil, and littered with well-meaning but destructive tidbits of advice, particularly on the internet. Ancient wisdom stands out as a clear contrast, for its depth, for its proven staying power, and for its success.
Unfortunately, it can be hard to access ancient wisdom because it’s often translated badly and packaged worse.
That’s where I come in. My expertise is in translating and understanding dead languages. Here I bring you the invaluable wisdom that has survived in the cutthroat marketplace of ideas not for decades, not even for centuries, but for thousands of years.
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